In 2002, our college organised a Sino-Australian co-operative education project with Holmesglen College of Melbourne. Working in conjunction with colleagues from Australia, the program currently offers students diploma in International Business or Accounting. The qualification is then accredited by both our college and Holmesglen in Australia. Each qualification is taught entirely in English.    

Located in Melbourne, Holmesglen Institute of TAFE is one of the biggest institutes of technology in Australia. The institute has 3 campuses with about 50,000 students in Australia and other countries, and it is well-known for its innovative education and cultivation of high-skilled professionals of high standard and high employment. At present, Holmesglen offers both undergraduate and graduate courses, and also conducts cooperative courses developed together with Monash University and Charles Sturt University, which allow link-up of credit and diploma between Holmesglen and the universities. The institute has also set up a branch of the University of Canberra on its campus with the university. So far the institute has established cooperative relations with many colleges and institutes in the world, and ZBTI is one of its most influential partners.

The program is to train qualified foreign trade salesmen, document clerk, cross-border E-commerce operator and marketing in the foreign trade wholesale and retail industry. The graduates have firm beliefs and solid scientific knowledge, as well as strong humanities accomplishment and professional ethics. They are likely to have competitiveness in the employment market due to their craftsmanship spirits. With the program students acquire the knowledge about international trade and are capable of international business management, export and import business, international market research and marketing, and cross-cultural communications. They are qualified for the posts of foreign trade document clerk, foreign trade merchandiser, foreign trade salesman, freight forwarder operator, inspector, cross-border E-commerce operator, internet promotion and international marketing. The students are expected to be all-around developed and sustainable technical talents with innovative spirit and entrepreneurial skills.